Last night, if they hadn't done so already, the evangelical group Sojourners officially became the liberal Democrat version of the Christian Coalition. They and their leader, Jim Wallis, sponsored a "forum" in Washington featuring Democrat presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama. The forum, broadcast nationally on CNN, gave each candidate the opportunity to speak to Americans about their faith. What it really was was a chance for Democrats to say, "We believe in God, too". I don't see Sojourners and CNN giving Republican candidates a similar forum in the future.
It is not my place to judge the candidates' relationship with God. That is up to God. I struggle enough as it is in my own walk. What they say, do, and think is between them and God.
And, I believe there is room and freedom for disagreement between Christians on the role of government, and whether it exists to solve social problems. Nonetheless, I line up on the conservative side of most issues.
The Republican party has gotten a bad rap for being in the back pocket of "the Religious Right" for a quarter of a century. I don't see the Democrats catching any heat for appealing to religious constituencies, though there is obviously a rising political movement of the Religious Left.
Democrats last night treaded on the same water which Republicans have been treading on for years: using God to get votes. I don't mind that candidates are people of faith-as a matter of fact, I like them that way, especially if we agree on most of the same basic things. I am offended when a group uses God to pander to groups of voters, simply to get votes. Last night's forum in D.C. was a classic example. It was designed to show the American people that Republicans don't have a monopoly on God. I can see right through that. Democrats are just as good as Republicans at using God to get votes.
God is not a Republican. He is way too holy for that. But, I guarantee He is not a Democrat.
May God have mercy on this country. We sure need it.