The past week has brought a manufactured firestorm, thanks to the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and the guilty politically correct liberals that run ESPN.
Radio talk show host Don Imus and his producer had a really stupid and offensive conversation over the air last week. In that exchange, he referred to the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed hos". It was a very ignorant remark. You don't say things like that about anyone in public and in a professional atmosphere, especially over the air on the radio and on TV.
I've always wondered what the big deal was about Imus. I always thought he was an overrated blowhard, but the media elites always liked him and kept his show going.
These comments didn't go unnoticed. Our favorite race hustlers, Jackson and Sharpton got into the act, and fanned the flames of racial tension, as they tried to defend the Rutgers players. Jackson has experience in offending other ethnic groups, having referred to New York City as "Hymietown" in the 1980's. Sharpton had Imus on his radio show over the weekend, and got the embattled host to apologize for his comments.
Today, though, the Rutgers ladies had their own press conference. It took up an hour of airtime on ESPN. I'm glad I was at work, and I'm also glad I wasn't recording World's Strongest Man or whatever on the DVR, or else I would have missed it. The Worldwide Leader In Political Correctness has made sure to give this as much airtime as possible.
Imus's stupidity has been blown way out of proportion. He was wrong to call the Rutgers team what he called them. However, I'm tired of seeing the victim card played here. Imus is the stupid one here. Not the Rutgers team.
Imus plans on meeting with the Rutgers team in the near future. The team has not decided if they will accept Imus' apology. And, so what if they do or don't.
Enough of the race card. Enough of the victim card. Imus looks really ignorant, and he doesn't need the help of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton for that.
He's an overrated old curmudgeon! I don't think I'd mind if he got fired. And his hair is ridiculous!
It looks like some sponsors are going to bail on him. If that happens, he'll have a hard time getting his show back.
I wouldn't mind if he were off the air, that's for sure.
Well, he's gone. I'm not an Imus fan, but I think this is a mistake. Rap artists use similar terms many times, but they don't get called out by these people. In fact, after Obama called for Imus's firing, Drudge finds the article about Obama meeting with Ludacris. Ludacris has the song called "Ho". (http://www.lyricsfirst.com/lyrics/14716/Ludacris/Ho - warning - explicit lyrics)
My favorite Imus line today was, "When will Sharpton apologize to Duke players?"
Bye, Imus. I don't think this firing is right, but I'm sure you'll be back on radio in no time.
He'll wind up with his own channel on Sirius once this all cools down.
I hate groupthink. Thanks to PC, Imus is a pariah. It's not like he announced he was a life member of the KKK. The only thing he did wrong was say some really stupid and offensive things on the radio.
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