Friday, March 30, 2007

Please Indulge Me...

...while I put on my Angry Not-Quite-Young-Anymore Man hat.

Is anyone else out there mad that the liberals in Congress and their friends in the mainstream media can get away with throwing our troops under the bus? And, can anyone out there see that these people are mainly against the war in Iraq not because of any opposition to war, but because they hate President Bush?

You didn't see conservatives organizing anti-war rallies while Bill Clinton was bombing the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and the aspirin factory in Sudan. Likewise, the left was nowhere to be seen in opposition to American military involvement in the former Yugoslavia. No, they supported their president to the ultimate degree.

If Bill Clinton or any other Democrat had been President, and led us into war in Iraq under the exact same circumstances and with the same knowledge, the Democrats in Washington would be with him all the way. So, too, would Republicans. The GOP is not opposed to war in defense of the security and values of the United States, even when a Democrat is running the country. The Democrats are opposed to this war because it is Bush's war, plain and simple.

There have been obvious missteps in the war in Iraq. That happens when you are fighting with one arm tied behind your back. That happens when you have the press and Democrats in Congress trying to micro-manage the military. We are trying to fight a more "sensitive" war in order to attempt to manage public opinion in blue states and in the rest of the world.

The modern Democratic party does not believe in fighting foreign enemies of the United States. They only believe in fighting Republicans and those who believe in absolute values, especially absolute values that differ from their own. This is not Harry Truman's, or even John F. Kennedy's Democratic party. Heck, it's not even the party of LBJ anymore. The Democratic party is now run by people that view the United States as the root of all evil in the world.

May God protect America from its enemies, both foreign and domestic.


Zee said...

Did you see that Pelosi wants to go to Iran now. Things are only going to get worse, I'm tellin' ya!

Zee said...

Here's what the sweet, clean Pelosi had to say recently:

"Speaker Pelosi agreed. "It's one thing to meet with a peace-loving world leader like Bashar al-Assad, or President Ahmadinejad," she said. "It's another to meet with a theocratic warmonger like George Bush. If we dignify his illegitimate regime with a negotiation, how will we ever build international pressure against him, and end his imperialistic ambitions?""

She's on crack and sounding more and more like Chavez daily!