Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Generally Speaking

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Peter Pace, stepped into contoversy this week in an interview with editors of the Chicago Tribune. In the interview, he called homosexual acts "immoral".

As predicted, the media and their liberal allies have been on the warpath to castigate Gen. Pace. "Advocacy" groups have come out as credible spokesmen to the media to provide a welcomed opposing viewpoint. The drive-by media have their sights on Gen. Pace, and would really like for him to step down.

Gen. Pace released a statement today, declaring his support for the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on homosexuals in the military. He did not apologize for his comments, as homosexual groups were begging him to do. He merely stated that he wished he hadn't declared his personal view on the subject publicly.

Gen. Pace is more than entitled to his opinion. He is also entitled to express his opinion. In an earlier day and time, it would not even be a news story.

Liberals and their friends in the media view the military as a social engineering factory. They have driven our government into fighting more "sensitive" wars, and are attempting to lead our military to defeat in Iraq, just as they did in Vietnam almost 40 years ago. They believe the United States is the root of all evil in the world. One of the reasons for this is that they believe people like Gen. Pace are what's wrong with our country. They sneer upon people with traditional values. In the liberal world, the only absolute value is tolerance. To be intolerant is to be evil. Gen. Pace is right regarding homosexual and adulterous behavior. We need more leaders like him to be vigilant for traditional morality, in the face of opposition from the dominant media culture.


Zee said...

In the liberal world, the only absolute value is tolerance. To be intolerant is to be evil.

You almost have it.


"In the liberal world, the only absolute value is tolerance of things liberals want tolerance of. To be intolerant of their issues is to be evil. To be intolerant of traditional or Christian values is to be held up, praised, and applauded.

John said...

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Nail, meet hammer.

I guess I'm evil.